
Probably the most underused and overlooked character trait. Whether we are talking real (in the flesh, 3 dimensional) life, life between the covers (of a book!), life on the big screen or big stage, patience is just not one of the “biggies”.

Imagine the opening number to a big stage performance of a patient person’s life! What would the lyrics to that tune they were belting out be about? Waiting patiently for things to change so they could find happiness? And how about that big screen scene, the one where the main character is found sitting quietly (and patiently) on the sidelines while everyone else in the story grabs a piece of what they want, leaving nothing behind? Oh, and how about that main character in that book, didn’t you love the way he waited his turn to prove to the world that he was somebody?

No, we probably wouldn’t want any of those scenarios. Patience doesn’t really cut it in a main character. But what about real life? Where does patience fit in and how valued is it?

Just watch a group of children and you will see patience (not!) in action. The pushing and shoving, arguing and grabbing that go on over the tiniest things is remarkable. Like, I am remarking on those behaviors, that’s the evidence they are remarkable. It has nothing to do with the more romantic meaning we place on that word. In this case the remarkableness is merely noteworthy because it is being mentioned, by me, in this post. It’s not behavior I condone, nor do I want to encourage it, therefore it needs to be discouraged.

Or…patience needs to be encouraged!

Earlier this week (when we had school), I passed something out to my class and realized it needed to be put in their backpacks right away (or it would not make it home, for sure!)

“Children, let’s put these right in our backpacks. We have a busy day and we might forget them later,” I said.

“Good idea!” they said and stood. Some of them took off for the closet but most walked.

“Oh, it’s always crazy back here when we all come at once,” I heard one little girl remark.

“Yeah, that’s why I’m waiting here,” I heard another chime in.

I looked back to see what was going on. To my great surprise there were several children sort of holding back, waiting. I decided to leap right in on this moment!

“How clever of you, Mia, to wait until there is room near your backpack. And you too, Frank, you knew if you tried to get to your backpack you might get crushed!” I commented, admiring the patience some of them were demonstrating.

And that was it! Next thing I knew, they were all practicing some modicum of patience. And as anyone knows, practice makes better so…

“Wow, boys and girls, you were so smart to use patience! I am so impressed. So many children would have all crushed into the closet and gotten all angry at each other but not you guys! You are too smart for that!”

Well, that was all it took! Name the character trait and vault it up to a level on high! Suddenly everyone was the epitome of patience!

“You know what, guys,” I continued, “You just proved that patience meant you only had to wait about, I don’t know, and extra half a minute! And you actually all accomplished your goal and now we are all ready to move on. You are all super great!”

Yeah, I was slathering it on but you know what? Patience deserves it!

How was your patience thermometer today?



8 thoughts on “Patience

  1. Wow, I love this! “You’re too smart for that” says the clever teacher, and everybody is practicing the desired behavior. Wonderful opening, imagining if movies and shows featured patience as a virtue- very funny! The two parts to your piece worked really well together. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It stemmed from listening to my husband (who is very patient) having a conversation with my mom. I knew he was tired and needed to get to bed but he just listened so patiently, so earnestly, that it got me thinking… Now that I’ve thought again about it maybe I need to write a part 2!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Suzanne, you sort of did a “one word” post, too. I love the voices of the students, and your “slathering it on.” How much more effective it is that chiding to get desired results?! My husband is the patient one in our relationship. How he can tolerate my haste, my impatience, I don’t know. I love this post; it’s beautifully written as well as strong on point.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, it is a one word post! And it takes patience to turn the instinctive chiding around and approach the moment a more positive way! Thanks!


  3. Very reflective piece and a perspective I hadn’t thought of before. I always wonder about patience when I’m driving though and think about how the driver sped past me but ended up at the stop light the same time I did. Just had to wait there longer.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know! I actually learned to drive more patiently as a very young (and foolish) driver. I was working hard to get past all the “slow” drivers (who were actually doing at or just above the speed limit) and when I got to the toll plaza they pulled up next to me! Just like you said. Anyway, I figured out it wasn’t worth risking a ticket and slowed down.


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