Wordle Mania

Have you got the itch yet? The five letter word itch? The itch you need to scratch once a day? The funny thing about this itch is that even though you want to scratch it, once you succeed, you wish it weren’t over. It goes like this.

You start with a word. A five letter word. Any old word will do. Some have a method. Some begin with a feeling, a whim, a premonition! But I really don’t think it matters.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, Enter.

Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip.

Yellow, gray, gray, gray, green.

It’s like opening little rows of gifts every day. Five gifts in a row. But beware! Green gifts don’t come easily. And yellow gifts present choices. And we all know how difficult choices can be. Oh, and by the way, there are really no hints. The world of five letter words is up for grabs. It’s anyone’s guess. Just five little green gifts, that’s all you need.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Now Enter is calling you. Do you tap it? Do you dare? What of that third letter, did you make the right choice? Go on, go for it.

Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip.

Gray, yellow, green, gray, green.

So now onto the next row. Keep the greens. Move the yellow. Banish the gray! Five more gifts to open each time you move to a new row. But it gets more confounding rather than not! How can this be? There are less choices, it should get easier. Ah, but it just does not. There is a tightening sensation, a closing in. Less letters to guess, less letters to work with, but less tries in which to succeed.

And failure is not an option!

Suddenly it happens.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, Enter.

Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip.

Green, green, green, green, green!

Success! Share! Celebrate!

Now wait until tomorrow.

Ya gotta love this game!

6 thoughts on “Wordle Mania

  1. Wordle and I have a hot and cold relationship. I’ve heard a lot of fussing about it since the NYT took it over, but I still enjoy it. It’s a nice distraction! Love how you’ve perfectly captured the interactions with it!

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