New Adventures

My friend invited me to go see “Matilda, the Musical” at a local high school. She and her son were going and since I was free I said yes! It has been a long time since I attended a high school performance. I was looking forward to it but what I didn’t realize was how much I was going to love the show! These high school kids were amazing. I’ve seen Matilda on Broadway so I had a barometer and let me tell you, the talent was incredible.

The day was special for me. I recently lost my husband and as I move into this next phase of my life, the one where I choose what I do, I want to become an intrepid adventurer. Hahaha, no, not safaris and Appalachian Trail hikes per se, not quite those types of adventures. More like saying yes to a high school musical on a Sunday afternoon. And joining friends for an evening of food, wine and chit chat on a weekend night. And ordering Hello Fresh with a colleague and cooking together on a school night, helping her learn some cooking skills along the way. And making plans to go ‘down the shore’ this summer for a night or two to visit a friend’s relatives at their new condo.

You see, my husband and I were best friends. And when you are married to your best friend you have the whole package right at your fingertips. And you get a little rusty at saying yes. Yes, I’d love to come over for dinner. Yes, I am free to go to the mall. Yes, I have time for a phone conversation. Yes, I would love your company. It would be easy for me to absorb myself in reading and writing and organizing and catching up with music and TV. I could easily fall down internet rabbit holes. I could take up painting on my iPad or learning new skills through virtual education.

But I think I’ll choose adventure. Adventures with friends. My best friend will always be with me. He is my rock and my encouragement and my courage. I hear him when I’m making decisions. I know what he would tell me to do. He would say, “Just go, go have fun!” Life is different now, but life is life. It is a gift that we only get for a certain amount of time. It won’t last forever, it may not even last long enough, but a life well lived, like my husband’s, is a gift fulfilled.

6 thoughts on “New Adventures

  1. I love your spirit and you are able to communicate it through your writing so masterfully. When my mom died, I told her that she was showing us how to do this transition thing with admirable grace and she replied, “I know.” You are doing the same. Your grace and poise are woven throughout this piece . I am inspired and humbled and I think that Rich is so very proud of you.

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  2. Adventures with friends are wonderful. I am sure your husband is there urging you to live life to the fullest. As a side note, as someone who has been to Africa and been on safari, if the opportunity ever presents definitely say “yes”.

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