
I’m full of appreciation right now for this SOL writing experience. The community I drop myself into each year feels at once comfy and familiar and new and exciting.

It’s comfy to find old “friends” and catch up. I love reading slices that feel like family. I recognize your voices, your dreams, your hobbies, your dislikes. I know many of your stories and enjoy finding out how your year has gone.

It’s familiar because the month moves along for me in an expected trajectory. I start out feeling a little disorganized and distracted. Then as the first week gets going my writing muscles kick back in and I find my old groove. By the time I’ve progressed to near the end it feels like I could go on forever, and I fear I will miss it all too much.

It’s new because I’m new each year. Crazy how life can and will change in just one year. The topics or themes of slices take on a new slant each year because of changing circumstances. And I notice this as I catch up with old “friends”, reading their slices and getting a glimpse of where they are in their life story now.

And of course it is always exciting. It’s exciting to see and hear new voices. The renewed energy pours out of everyone and flows into each and every slice we produce. It’s exciting to watch this long month of March skip along, enhanced by this writing experience. It’s exciting to wonder what to write about and suddenly just know!

So appreciative is where I am at right now. I needed this community this year and I am grateful to the dedication and efforts of the TWT team. I’m also grateful for each story I read, each life I was invited to drop in on, each friend I sat side by side with, if only virtually, one slice at a time! Have a happy day all!

9 thoughts on “Appreciation

  1. I love the slicing community–it’s certainly what brings me back each year. Even when I’d easily be able to say no to prioritizing my own writing for a month (always easy to say no to that!), I can’t give up the community. I especially like your thoughts about how the challenge is always new because we are new!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love your appreciation for this community. It is interesting how you say we are new each year. As I go back and read some of my own writings, I see myself writing about similar experiences but in a totally different way. I, too, enjoy this community. Thanks for sharing today.


  3. Isn’t it interesting how the rhythm builds each day of the month… I only wish I had more time for reading and commenting. There’s just so much here in this community!

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