Ice Cream, Yes, We All Scream


time temperatures

of Love Concert Tour


ville Homemade Ice Cream

It has been a week of summertime temps here in NJ. Not just beautiful weather but peel off your layers and wear t-shirts and sandals weather. Breath it in and smile.

Last night felt like a summertime kick-off with an awesome Summer of Love concert. At first the name didn’t feel “right” because it is March and that means we can still get snow but for a few hours it was a summertime celebration of love and music.

In honor of summer beginning to pump through my veins I played my Summertime playlist, and yes, I smiled as each song began because, well, right, it was my playlist and I love every song on it!

And, to put the sprinkle (or jimmy or shot) on my day, my husband and I drove a teensy bit out of our way to check if the new homemade ice cream shop near our home was open yet.


(It was, hence the scream.)

I am in Moose Tracks heaven!

And though we could still get some snow in the forseeable future for today at least I am screaming because of ice cream.

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