When The Shoe Fits

One could argue:

  • Happy wife, happy husband.
  • Happiness is to be found in being, not in having.
  • There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
  • Happiness is a warm blanket. (Yes Linus, we get it.)
  • Happiness is a warm gun. (Hahaha, not really but Mr. Lennon popped into my head.)

I argue that happiness is a comfortable shoe! Seriously, how many of you are nodding your heads right now, “Ah, yes,” you say, “comfortable shoes, such happiness.” But the thing is, when my feet are happy, I am happy. And it is the shoe that maketh the foot. Right? Isn’t that the saying I am going for here?

I discovered the happiness of comfortable shoes when I was in high school. I had been having some trouble with my right foot and went shoe shopping. I was attempting to solve the trouble so my shoe goals were not the usual teenage girl shoe goals. What I discovered was a comfortable shoe! And happy feet! That became my mantra, Happy Feet! (This was the late 70’s, no dancing penguins had hit the big screen yet.)

Since then I have continued to be a slave to my feet. I dress from the foot up. I buy outfits depending on whether or not my feet will be able to fit the look! I gaze longingly at styles and shoes that look so great on others. And then I remember my feet. And I bow to my mantra, Happy Feet! As long as I keep it in mind, I know I’ll be fine.

Happiness is a comfortable shoe. I live by it. And based on the number of people who ask me where I get my comfortable shoes. Or what kind of shoe is that latest comfy shoe I am wearing, I would say I’m not alone. We ask a lot of our feet and this is the least we can give back to them.

8 thoughts on “When The Shoe Fits

  1. This is so true. I never understood this until I had a friend who was a podiatrist, and he showed me pressure points on my foot that could cause more than mere comfort or discomfort. The mind/body connection is real, and our feet are our main point of contact with the Earth.

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    1. And I have always envied men because it appears (to me at least) that most of their shoe choices are comfortable shoes! I wonder if the uncomfortable shoes are comfortable for another foot!


  2. Oh man, can I relate to your post! It was and still is very difficult for me to find comfy/ cute shoes 😦 I love your mantra because it’s a daily reminder for yourself!

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  3. Right on! I remember a time when my feet, or was it my shoes (?) were really, really bothering me. I finally went to the shoe store and tried on a pair of really comfortable shoes. They felt so good, I literally cried with relief. This piece is a wonderfully written reminder to be kind to our feel, especially as teachers. After all, we are on them all day!

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